Why Do I Know I'm Not Supposed to be Doing That, but I'm Still Doing It? An Observation on Paradise Lost

Discuss the representation of Satan and Adam and Eve in PL.
What does this representation reveal about Milton’s commentary on religion and/on politics?

            Through the perspective of contemporary American English from the 21st Century, analyzing the work of John Milton and Milton himself as an author, poet, what we consider today ‘Civil Rights Activist”, for his work was the ignition to an era that changed the balance between justice, law and equality. He was the representation of the iconic movement to speak as we feel and think, such as today ‘The Freedom of Speech”, a constitutional right in the United States of America.  Perceiving John Milton through a perspective of a person who believes people have rights and someone who stood up and educated oneself and others of equality. During the English Restoration, John Milton wrote a scripture referred to as The Treaty to Civil Rights in 1659 against what today can be considered tyranny by King Charles to the parliament, where he failed to commit to the parliament and ruled England at his discretion.

            You might be asking why am I disclosing so much information of an author, rather then asking the focus question, however it brings me to my point of how my curiosity and knowledge on John Milton erupted.  When reading Paradise Lost of 1667 by John Milton, it frames a rather interesting vibe and perspective of  ‘he who must not be named’, “Satan”. Milton is thought instead makes connections through humanly instincts and acts, to Satan.  Which is interesting because of the fact that Milton was in fact raised in Catholicism and later reformed his belief in Christianity to due to the Tyranny from King Charles and the State of the Church.  In the writings Milton writes “Stirred up in envy